Monday, October 26, 2009

Car Care Tips for Colder Weather

As the days get colder and darker, there are a few small things you can do to make sure your car performs optimally:

Check tire pressure - Cold weather will cause your tires to lose pressure slightly. Add air to get your tires in the 32-38psi range.

Check your spare tire's pressure - There's nothing worse than going to change a flat tire and realizing your spare is flat as well. Make sure it's at an appropriate pressure level.

Check and aim your lights - Shorter days means lights get used more often. Make sure all your bulbs are working, and check to see if your headlight beam pattern needs adjusting.

Check antifreeze - Make sure your car has an adequate amount of antifreeze. It doesn't get that cold in the Triad, but antifreeze is needed anyways.

And if you're not a DIY-er, Foreign Accents can quickly check all these areas and more to make sure your car is adequately winterized!


  1. Rinse your car down to get rid of excess dirt, and then wash it with a sponge and soapy water. Once you’ve washed the whole car, rinse it off and then dry it with a soft cloth. If you don’t dry your car afterwards, water droplets gather dust, and when they dry out, you’re left with many spots all over the body of the car. This is especially noticeable with dark colored cars.
    Every month or so you should use a bug and tar removal product on the body of your car. There are many of these types of products available at most car care stores. A great product to go for is one which removes bugs, tar and other spots, while polishing the car’s surface at the same time.

  2. Is this the Randy Beeninga from Ramapo HS 1972?
